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Check out our battery cordless lamps with exchangeable shade:
Battery table lamp


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Frequently asked questions


How do I submit an order for lamp and/or shade?

Click on the prices link at the top. Place your order now.

What if I can’t find the lamp I want on this site?

We can make a lamp in any base/image combination. Contact us to get a quote.

Lampshade quality

On what type of media do you print?

We use smooth photo synthetic fabric we call "Photo Silk" with an optional clear protective coating. The fabric is translucent to allow the light to shine through. Our printer uses 200-year pigment inks.

Custom products

Who makes the ceramic custom bases?

Janet Elmore is a professional ceramics artist at Artists' Own in Lafayette, IN. She has been creating vases, tableware, pots, and other handsomely designed ceramics for over 40 years. Contact us to get one of her unique creations to complement your shade.

How small or large can you make a shade?

The diameter can be as small as 5 inches and as large as 20 inches. Although the height can be anything reasonable, we recommend keeping it under 20 inches.

How can I send you my large digital image file?

For custom lamp images, upload here, email to us, or use a sharing service such as Dropbox. If you have a slow connection and very large files, you can let it upload overnight or write to CD or thumb drive and mail it to us.

Can you edit my image?

Yes, we will fix standard problems such as poor exposure, and red-eye. However, we can't restore detail in badly under- or overexposed parts of the image or make sharp a blurry subject.

How do I know if my image is good quality?

If you have a recent digital camera you probably have 12 megapixels or more which is sufficient for large prints as long as the image is sharp. Keep in mind that our standard size shade print is 10x32 inches, so a panorama will work best. Can't decide which image will make the best large print? Upload several and we will give you our recommendation! No obligation and no need to place an order first.

I can't decide which image to print.

Send us all of them and we will recommend which are the best ones. No obligation and no need to place an order first.

I’m a photographer or artist, can I sell your lamps with my images?

Yes we can ship directly to your customer with only your branding, and we can give you a discount.


My shade got dirty. How do I clean?

If your shade has a coating, it prevents most dirt from reaching the pigment ink layer beneath. First brush off with a clean brush or dry cotton rag, then moisten the rag with distilled water and gently wipe it off. Do not use water if there is no coating. Click for more details.

What is your guarantee?

We have a five year guarantee against fading and defects. Read our guarantee here.

What if my question is not listed here?